Dec 14

Animating Entry Effects

Creating smooth transitions has been upgraded. Learn the latest tricks for entering and exiting content gracefully.

By Tyler Childs

Animation is a critical component of interactive storytelling. An animation creates a journey, no matter how small, from point A to point B. 

In classical animation, an artist draws one frame at a time, and a camera snaps a snapshot of each progression. For just one second of animation, 24 frames need to be drawn, captured, and sequenced. 

For interactive content such as video games, web apps, and operating systems, players, visitors, and customers expect a stable 60 frames per second. Anything less than 60 individual images per second is perceptible to people with an eye tuned for it. 

CSS Animations 

With CSS, there are two primary properties used for animation: transition and animation. Both properties allow customization based on how long the animation should last (duration), when it should start (delay), and how the in-between frames should be "tweened" (easing). 

Today, we will focus on a couple of aspects that can be utilized with the transition property in CSS: allow-discrete and @starting-style

In the demo we'll build, we will gracefully fade-in all content as it appears in our web document. 

Before we go further, we need to take a step back and zoom out. 

We know animation is a journey from point A to point B, but what are the technical terms for point A and point B? 


A keyframe is the state of affairs at any moment in time. Given two states, we can calculate the difference between them and animate. This works great for things like numbers, but it doesn't work great for non-number, discrete CSS values

For example, there are a myriad of ways to not show a piece of content with CSS. Two of the more popular CSS properties are using opacity (continuous) and display (discrete). 


Opacity is continuous and takes a value between 0 and 1, inclusively. An opacity of .5 will be 50% transparent—you'll be able to see the content behind the content. An opacity of 0 is hidden, and 1 is entirely visible. 

If the opacity of point A is 0 and the opacity of point B is 1, with an animation duration of 1000ms, the following statements are true. 

Writing each intermediate step out in code would be tedious, which is why the CSS engine tweens values on our behalf. 


Display values are discrete and may be defined as: inline, inline-block, flex, grid, inline-flex, inline-grid. All those properties will result in visible content. 

Display may also be set to none, hiding the content entirely. 

Historically, CSS has not had a way to animate from a point A of display: block to a point B of display: none or of a point A of display: none to a point B of any visible display type, such as display: grid.

Animating between non-number discrete values, is hard. How can we do it?

Code and Demo

The following explanations will refer to this demo.

Using allow-discrete

The transition property allows for a constituent property transition-behavior, which may be set to allow-discrete, which will allow CSS to animate between discrete values. 

In this example, we apply the transition-behavior of allow-discrete to all elements. The transition-properties we're using are visibility, transform, and opacity. Opacity and transform are both continuous properties that have been able to transition since transition was implemented in CSS. Visibility is a discrete property and needs allow-discrete to transition properly. 

Using @starting-style

In the example, notice the use of @starting-style. This block is where we can define the initial keyframe we want to transition from. This is an opportunity for a new default value we, as web authors, define for our applications. 

In the @starting-style block, we select all elements with the wildcard selector and set the initial visibility to hidden with an opacity of 0.

When the page loads, these will revert to their browser defaults of visibility: visible and opacity: 1, creating a smooth transition.

Exploring Opportunities

@starting-style and transition-behavior: allow-discrete unlock the potential for animated storytelling that previously required JavaScript to achieve similar effects. With these tools now baked into CSS directly, how will you use them? 

While the example in this demo is intentionally light to stay focused on the basics of these properties, a great first project might be to build a modal that can gracefully fade in and fade out. A common pitfall when implementing modals is for the hide animation to immediately hide with no animation, which generally happens when visibility: hidden triggers, when the modal should instead hide at the end of the animation sequence. 

By using transition-behavior: allow-discrete when hiding the modal, other CSS or JavaScript workarounds that have historically been used for a smooth effect when hiding are no longer necessary.

Tyler Childs

Tyler Childs

TyChi is the author of, the children's programming environment that powers the enterprise saas offering People ask where he has all the time to do this and know how to juggle so good and the short answer is, paper is the key to time travel. During spare time, TyChi teaches people how to traverse space time at the bowling alley or in the forest when other people are keeping the beat alive.

Tyler selected Internet Archive for an honorary donation of $50

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive's mission is universal access to all knowledge, where they are most know for their keyframes across web space time in the Wayback Machine.